Our dentists in Idaho Falls strive to make your dental appointment as easy and painless as possible. To lessen the stress of your appointment and get you into the doctor quicker, we are happy to now offer the convenience of our forms online! 

By downloading the needed forms before your visit, you’ll be able to shorten the length of your dental appointment and remove some first visit stresses. 

All you need to do is simply click on the link labeled “Health History Form,” print the form, and bring it with you to your appointment with our dentist.


You can easily schedule an appointment with one of our Idaho Falls Smiles dentists by filling out the form. After you submit the form, our dentistry staff will contact you soon to confirm your upcoming appointment. At your visit, our Idaho Falls Smiles dentists will help you get your happiest, healthiest smile! Thank you for choosing Idaho Falls Smiles, we look forward to assisting you and your family!